Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Thank you all for the outpouring of encouraging tweets, emails, facebook messages and blog comments that followed my announcement earlier! Each one made an already exciting day better and leaves me even more excited about the future of this new venture. As I recover from the excitement and late nights getting ready for the launch, I wanted to share another example of the services Blair Friedeman Design will offer. This is an example of the a la carte design service, b*style, for those homeowners or renters that just need little push in the right design direction. In this case, the client was a first time homeowner that had already invested in a classic sofa and graphic primary color rug for their living room. They needed help pulling the rest of the room together. Their goal was to create a comfortable and casual space that embraced a rustic, yet classic California look. 
 I promise to be back to regularly scheduled delight by design content tomorrow! Thank you all again and again for your kinds words!

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